As we wave goodbye to 2023, we can also expect to bid adieu to some of the key events of the year that made it especially challenging for the markets. The central bank interest rate rises, which brought about a mini banking collapse early in the year, appear to have come to an end, while inflation is moving toward target levels.
A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a great tool to build wealth for most Canadians while paying less tax. Although there are many benefits to investing in a TFSA, there can also be costly mistakes. This article outlines the eight most common pitfalls people encounter and how to avoid them.
64% of business owners want to transition their business in the next 10 years. However, 51% feel the next generation is not ready and 39% worry the next generation is uninterested. Whether you plan to keep your business in the family or sell to a third party, how can you ensure your business is ready for the sale?
The lifetime capital gains exemption (LCGE) is one of the key tax planning advantages available to small business owners, farmers, and fishers. In 2021, it can exempt from tax up to $892,218 of capital gains realized on the sale of shares of a qualified small business corporation and up to $1 million of capital gains realized on the sale of shares of a family farm or fishing corporation.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have embraced an environment where employees work from home. With the opportunity to work from home, some Canadians are taking the opportunity to work from anywhere. For some that means working from the cottage or working from a foreign location. Before you switch from working from home to a location of your choice, there are a few things that you should consider.